What a Restaurant owner is looking for from an Accountant? | Restaurant Accounting in Canada

Restaurant Accounting

Restaurant Accounting specialized yet vital service extends beyond number crunching for eateries. It ensures that while chefs devote their attention to perfecting their dishes the financial well-being of the establishment remains strong and compliant. Every misplaced receipt, transaction, or missed tax deadline can potentially spell disaster for a restaurant’s success—regardless of how popular it may be or how rave reviews it receives.

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services For Small Businesses

accounting and bookkeeping services

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services For Small Businesses Accounting and bookkeeping services for small business are essential functions businesses need to keep track of their financial transactions. It also helps in preparing reports and ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations. A report by IBISWorld says that these services are really important and worth $650.3 billion in 2021. […]

Will the Recession in 2023 affect Small Businesses in India?

global business downfall with falling arrow and world map

According to a recent report by Bloomberg, the chance of an Asian recession is up to 20%–25%. The recession in Sri Lanka is at 85 %. The United States will face a 40% chance of recession by next year. Few other nations, like Australia and New Zealand, also have the probability of facing a 20% and 35% recession, respectively.
Before moving further, let’s have a quick go-through of what exactly a recession is.

Clients Prefer Tech-Savvy Accountants

tech accountants

These days, an accountant needs to be as proficient with technology as they are with numbers. Tech-savvy accountants with excellent IT abilities are in demand by Employers. Personnel who can analyze data and identify stories beyond the statistics are much preferable.
Accounting Today’s survey states that 78 percent of small business owners would consider switching to a tech-friendly accounting firm.
63% of respondents didn’t think their current accountants offered an online portal.

Future of Accounting and Bookkeeping | The Next Big Thing in 2023

Future of Accounting and Bookkeeping

Advancements in technology have taken accounting and bookkeeping to new heights. It has leveraged the Future of Accounting and Bookkeeping. Whether you’re a seasoned accountant who is looking to keep up with the latest trends or an aspiring newcomer. It’s important to know about a few technologies that are emerging in accounting today.